Our spirit leads us to explore new lands, blends, and styles. Our Pionero line is the reflection of the potential of our varieties in the Casablanca and Maule Valleys with an emphasis on the varietal expression of the fruit.
Our spirit has led us to explore new lands, blends, and styles. Our Pionero País is the reflection of the potential of the Maule Valley.
Variety: País
VALLEY: D.O. Maule
Pionero País
Maule Valley
Cabernet Sauvignon / Carmenère / Merlot / País / Pinot Noir / Rose Pinot Noir / Sauvignon Blanc / Chardonnay
“Winemaking is a trade, an interpretation of the grapes as well as the place they are grown. It requires knowledge, sensitivity, hard work, and patience to finally enjoy a product that dates to the origins of human culture. It is a very rewarding endeavor.”
Maule is one of Chile’s most extensive valleys and has the largest production of wine grapes, but the Secano Interior sector merits special note for the large number of old País and Carignan vineyards still managed using the same techniques inherited from the Spanish Conquistadors—head-trained, low density, and dry farmed to adapt to this area with hot, dry summers and granitic, red clay soils.